Tag Archives: dogs

dog days of summer…

dog days

— pl n
1.     the hot period of the summer reckoned in ancient times from the heliacal rising of Sirius (the Dog Star)
2.     a period marked by inactivity

Today was HOT! And inactivity seemed to be the theme of the day. Other than splashing around in the pool (Second day in a row) we did not do a whole heck of a lot.

The in-laws have a new addition to their home.

Fred. The Basset Hound.

He is adorable. If we did not have two dogs already, I would seriously consider dog-napping.

I could not do a post about Fred and not include our Izzy, since I did not include her in yesterday’s post. (She even swam today, but was not very thrilled about it.)

Puppy Love

I did not bake anything today, nor did I cook. I did however, want to post a recipe, and thought a homemade dog biscuit one would be perfect.  Our dogs love these. (well, they will eat anything really, but these are good for them, and they smell good)

Even if you don’t have a dog, these make great gifts for family or friends who do.

Peanut Butter and Banana Treats


1 egg
1/3 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup mashed banana
1 tablespoon honey
1 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup wheat germ
1 egg white, lightly beaten, for brushing


Preheat oven to 300 degrees F (150 degrees C). Lightly grease a baking sheet, or line with parchment paper.

    Stir together the peanut butter, banana,honey and egg in a medium bowl; blend thoroughly. Stir in the flour and wheat germ; mix well.

Turn dough out onto a floured board and roll to 1/4 inch thick. Cut into desired shapes with cookie cutters, place on prepared baking sheet, and brush tops with egg white.

    Bake biscuits in preheated oven until dried and golden brown, about 30 minutes, depending on size. Remove from oven and cool on a wire rack.


Posted by on pm-05:00Sun, 26 Jun 2011 21:19:06 -050019Sunday 4 , 2011 in Recipes, Uncategorized


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it started with a fish…

and is now a mini zoo.

We have 5 pets. FIVE. I know that may not seem like a lot to some people, especially compared to the folks who are featured on Pet Hoarders, but it is. It all started simply enough with a beta fish. Who died and was replaced with our zen like aquatic friend, aka Rainbow, currently taking up residence on an end table.

Last April we decided we needed a more interactive pet. Preferably one that we could take with us on car trips and walks. We went to a local shelter and fell in love with a black and white fur ball. Izy. I thought all was good and balanced as far as our pet quota went.

Evidently I was mistaken.

Because for Christmas Isaac received a frog habitat. And really, what kind of mom would I be if I just left it empty, collecting dust in the corner of his room. So off we went to the pet store in search of a frog. We were now the proud new owners of a Green Tree frog. How very exciting. And once a week, we become the owners of a dozen store bought crickets. Feeding time is the highlight of McBoingBoing’s life. Its the only time he moves from his plastic tree stump.

Next enters the sweet lovable Lucy. Yup. Another dog. What? How did that happen? Because folks, I am sucker. A co-worker came home to find a pregnant stray at her house,and decided to keep her. Two weeks later,

7 puppies.

5 puppies had found good homes, she was keeping one, so that left the sad, lonely, soft, adorable Lucy. I agreed to meet with her, to see if she would be a good fit for our family. Really? Who was I kidding. It was a puppy. What wouldn’t fit? We now had dog number 2. Surely NOW everything was balanced, even slightly off balance. We had enough pets.

And then the Easter Bunny brought a hamster.

I know what your all thinking, this could have been prevented, for obvious reasons. But there was a reason, a good reason for pet number 5. I think I had been asked at least 100 times this year if we could get a hamster. My response was always the same, NO!  (Well, sometimes, I said maybe and used the “rodent card” as leverage to get things I wanted) The reason I thought it would be brilliant for EB to leave a furry friend, is this. About a month ago, a sassy little 9 year old (who shall remain anonymous) decided to tell my 4 year old that the Easter Bunny and Santa were not real, and that his father and I are liars. This brought my son to tears and for days he brought it up, asking me if I was sure they were real. He was crushed. (I was angry at the 9 year old).  And then I had a crazy brilliant idea. If on Easter morning, there was a hamster in Isaac’s basket, his faith would be restored. (He is 4, I want him to believe for as long as possible in this world where kids grow up WAY to fast) It worked. It was magical. He said “He is real, he is real”. And Elie the hamster fits right in with our family.

The one down side to all these critters is cleaning their poop, cages, and fish bowl. This past weekend after the “other half of WE” said “You know, the animals need to have their cages and bowl cleaned, and Lucy could use a bath”, I spent a good part of my morning doing just that. Because if I had left it up to him, I would have done it anyway. (he means well). I seriously considered scrubbing the frog’s lair with my man’s toothbrush. But instead, left all the dog poop for him to pick up.


Posted by on pm-05:00Thu, 05 May 2011 12:04:14 -050004Thursday 4 , 2011 in Uncategorized


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